The only limits we have are the limits we believe!
about delisa
“as I attentively peer through my lens, I witness the seamless realm of endless possibilities with each click of my camera…I was born to do this”!
“The only limits we have are the limits we believe” is a quote that undeniably describes the pursuits and passions of the multi-talented, ambitious, and self-proclaimed risk taker, Mrs. Delisa Woods-Ozoilo. Although Delisa continues to successfully dedicate herself as a dynamic school counselor and children’s book author, she is by no means a novice photographer.
Delisa’s varied range as a professional photographer, has encompassed everything from once-in-a-lifetime wedding portraits, unforgettable models’ and actors’ head shot portfolios, high school senior portraits to momentous special event photography, for various high-profile venues. Overwhelming word-of-mouth testimonials about her solid and stunning work have brought noteworthy praise, as well as business opportunities her way. Utilizing her extensive training as a school counselor, she has an uncanny knack for placing her photography clients at ease.
Delisa Woods-Ozoilo continues to pursue, believe in, and ultimately achieve the unbelievable. As an ever-evolving young woman and photographer, Delisa holds tight to her unyielding vision of photography, “as I attentively peer through my lens, I witness the seamless realm of endless possibilities with each click of my camera…I was born to do this”!